In a new party that we started playing my one son is playing an aasimar sorcerer. The version of the aasimar that we are using is a mixture of write ups from two sources, which I took bits and pieces of each and put them together in a way I liked. None of the content below is my original work, but taken from http://that70sgame.wordpress.com/2014/08/21/aasimars-and-sub-races/ http://daedaluswing.wikidot.com/planetouched and used by me in my game. I'm just posting this version since I will be referencing it in future play reports. Aasimar Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry. While not always benevolent, aasimars are more inclined toward acts of kindness rather than evil, and they gravitate toward faiths or organizations associated with celestials. Aasimar heritage can lie dormant for generations, only to appear suddenly in the child of two apparently human parents. Most societies interpret aasimar bir...