Product Review: Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit
Reviews are something new to me here at the blog. Those that follow me on Google+ know that I often share posts from other blogs that I read. I try to help turn up the volume, so to speak, on things that I find useful. Not that this item needs much help, as a Platinum Best Seller on the DM's Guild, many of you are already aware of it.

I haven't had the chance to use Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit yet, but I have a feeling that it is something that will see a lot of use at my table, though some parts more than others.
The first section, of random tables, I will probably use the most.
The random encounter table is brilliant. A d100 table with some evocative results, like "Find the lost crown of a local bullywug king. Made from a large seashell". Mixed in with several customizable results such as "Medium Difficulty Monster Encounter".
I'm also a big fan of the Random Item Enchantments tables. Eight d100 tables of magical effects for magic items, broken down into Beneficial and Detrimental Effects, of Lesser, Medium, Major and Legendary power. Overall I really like alternate magic items, stuff not found in the DMG. These tables let you make new items, or to liven up any "standard" magic items.
Section B is Puzzles. A dozen puzzles, each of a different style. Some are numerical and logic puzzles, of the sort you can easily find on the internet. Some of these are themed more towards D&D, though. As my players are fans of puzzles, I'm sure a couple of these will make there way into my games.
Section C has six "One Shots". Short, low level adventures. A pair of each the ranges of 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th and 4th-5th. Overall a nice selection that I'm sure to work in a couple at some point. A few new magic items mixed in as well.
Section D is "Dungeon Maps", a collection of 10 maps, one being a repeat from one of the One Shot adventures above. Decent maps, but nothing special.
The final section is "Complete Dungeons". Four adventures, two each of levels 4th-5th, and 6th-7th. I'm not really sure what makes these more complete than the One Shots in section C. On average they are only about a page longer. Still, some nice little adventures that I may use at some point.
I do like how the beginnings of both of the adventure sections gives a nice one-paragraph summary of each one. One thing I wasn't sold on was in a few spots in a couple of the adventures it would have a puzzle and instead of getting another puzzle, it would say "See the puzzle in section B".
Full disclosure, I don't read adventures in depth my first time thru, and I haven't with any of these. I read enough to get a feel for the theme and see what key elements are included. Actual execution I can't give a review on, but I do like what I see.
Nerzugal definitely packed a lot into these 100 pages. As a "Pay What You Want", you can't go wrong.

I haven't had the chance to use Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit yet, but I have a feeling that it is something that will see a lot of use at my table, though some parts more than others.
The first section, of random tables, I will probably use the most.
The random encounter table is brilliant. A d100 table with some evocative results, like "Find the lost crown of a local bullywug king. Made from a large seashell". Mixed in with several customizable results such as "Medium Difficulty Monster Encounter".
I'm also a big fan of the Random Item Enchantments tables. Eight d100 tables of magical effects for magic items, broken down into Beneficial and Detrimental Effects, of Lesser, Medium, Major and Legendary power. Overall I really like alternate magic items, stuff not found in the DMG. These tables let you make new items, or to liven up any "standard" magic items.
Section B is Puzzles. A dozen puzzles, each of a different style. Some are numerical and logic puzzles, of the sort you can easily find on the internet. Some of these are themed more towards D&D, though. As my players are fans of puzzles, I'm sure a couple of these will make there way into my games.
Section C has six "One Shots". Short, low level adventures. A pair of each the ranges of 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th and 4th-5th. Overall a nice selection that I'm sure to work in a couple at some point. A few new magic items mixed in as well.
Section D is "Dungeon Maps", a collection of 10 maps, one being a repeat from one of the One Shot adventures above. Decent maps, but nothing special.
The final section is "Complete Dungeons". Four adventures, two each of levels 4th-5th, and 6th-7th. I'm not really sure what makes these more complete than the One Shots in section C. On average they are only about a page longer. Still, some nice little adventures that I may use at some point.
I do like how the beginnings of both of the adventure sections gives a nice one-paragraph summary of each one. One thing I wasn't sold on was in a few spots in a couple of the adventures it would have a puzzle and instead of getting another puzzle, it would say "See the puzzle in section B".
Full disclosure, I don't read adventures in depth my first time thru, and I haven't with any of these. I read enough to get a feel for the theme and see what key elements are included. Actual execution I can't give a review on, but I do like what I see.
Nerzugal definitely packed a lot into these 100 pages. As a "Pay What You Want", you can't go wrong.
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